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6cm Lipstick Plant - Aeschynanthus Gracilis - Welsh Grown

Designed by
Sprouts of Bristol
    Sprouts of Bristol 6cm Lipstick Plant - Aeschynanthus Gracilis - Welsh GrownSprouts of Bristol 6cm Lipstick Plant - Aeschynanthus Gracilis - Welsh GrownSprouts of Bristol 6cm Lipstick Plant - Aeschynanthus Gracilis - Welsh GrownSprouts of Bristol 6cm Lipstick Plant - Aeschynanthus Gracilis - Welsh Grown

Scientific Name Aeschynanthus (disgraced flower)

Common Name Lipstick Plant, Lipstick Vine

Origin Native to Malaysia and Indonesia

Description The Lipstick plant gets its name from the shape and colour of its bright red flowers; the developing buds grow long and thin, and closed at the end like a tube of lipstick, until the flowers open. This bright red contrasts with the lush green vining foliage to bring an explosion of colour to your home. Look after this plant, keep its moisture levels and light levels balanced, and it will reward you with a display of bright green foliage and bright red flowers!

Light Bright, indirect light is best; your Lipstick Plant can stand a couple of hours of morning or evening sun but beyond that will start to scorch. Close to a north, east or west-facing window would be well-suited.

Water Let the top couple of inches of soil dry out between waters; the pot should feel light before you water it again. Reduce in winter to replicate its natural dormancy, and avoid coldwater when in bloom as this can shock the plant and cause it to drop flowers.

Humidity Likes high humidity, so will benefit from regular misting or the introduction of a humidity tray. If you're misting make sure the foliage can dry as moisture that settles in the flowers or vines can cause issues with blight and mildew.

Soil Use a well-draining, airy soil so this epiphyte can feel a bit of air on its roots! A mix designed for Anthuriums or Orchids would work well. Repotting can shock the plant so repot only when necessary; this is usually every couple of years in spring. If it is slightly potbound you're more likely to get flowers!

Food Feed every four waters in the growing season, reduce to every six in autumn and winter.

Temperature Ideally likes room temperatures of 18-26°C; make sure it doesn't drop below 15°C in winter.

Pet-safe Yes, but too much nibbling won't be good for pets, small humans or the plant!

Sprouts Top Tips With the Lipstick Plant, it's key to balancing moisture. The plant is adapted to a humid environment but is susceptible to rot if its soil doesn't dry out quickly enough or is too cold, or if the foliage is left wet for a longer period. Make sure your plant has both moisture and light, and keep a close eye out for rapidly yellowing leaves (your soil is too damp), crispy leaf edges (too much sun/ too close to a radiator/ too dry air), and mildewy leaves (not enough light, foliage is sitting damp)

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6cm Lipstick Plant - Aeschynanthus Gracilis - Welsh Grown

Designed by
Sprouts of Bristol
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